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I tried to follow these terrific ideas from Marinka on how to host your first sleepover, but I broke the most crucial policy immediately: invite only One Child.

We had never hosted a sleepover before though our children have gone on them. Recently, Milo and a roving band of five year-olds had made the rounds of two other houses. So it was our turn. Without giving myself time to overthink things, I invited the three other families with a only couple days notice. two of the three said, “Yes please.”

And, just like that, this rookie mommy had her debut in the realm of hosting slumber parties. Here’s the breakdown:

4pm. two five-year olds, Elijah and Harry, arrive at my house to join our three sons. They’ve never been here before so, of course, they want to run around and touch every toy.

5pm. My intrepid spouse takes four little kids to the park to run off their ya-yas before we clear up in for the movie. I buy pizza. حتى الان جيدة جدا.

6pm. Time for Return of the Jedi, pizza, fruit, and carrots. I give myself a few bonus offer points for sneaking in fruits and vegetables. Water to drink so nothing bad will spill. I’m pretty good at this.

7pm. pause the motion picture to run around in fort. pause again for ice cream sandwiches.

8pm. pause again for pajamas. We blow ideal past the predetermined getting-ready-for-bed time because the motion picture is still going on. Uh oh, I may have miscalculated how long this was going to take.

8:30 مساءا. Bye-bye bedtime I had planned (one hour past my sons’ normal bedtime). motion picture is still running.

9 مساء. clear up them all into their floor-bed. Harry thinks its better to sleep with no tee shirts on. All the kids agree. Bunk bed is unoccupied. [In hindsight, we realize we must have spent a lot more time sitting in there and shushing. Oh well, next time.]

10pm. only my seven-year old is asleep on the floor in his sleeping bag. Elijah moves to bottom bunk. My kid, Milo, is moved to playroom then my room to sleep. Harry stays on the floor.

11pm. All are finally sleeping. Hoist Milo to the top bunk.

2:30am. I hear crying. I am prepared to be sweet instead of annoyed. Potty accident. only the one kid wakes up for it — yay! — and he doesn’t remember a thing in the morning.

3:30am. someone else cries out. I check out and discover nothing. No biggie, I haven’t fallen back asleep.

5:30am. baby Sawyer is awake and yelping. Pleeeease don’t wake up the boys. My husband, who is still awesome, takes him downstairs. I am feeling slightly less awesome.

6:30 صباحا. everyone else is awake now. They all speak at once:

When’s breakfast? 7am, please stay upstairs until then.

Why am I in my own bed?

Can we play in the fort?

Can we play the motion picture again from the Ewok scene? If that will get me time to make you food, of course!

7:00 ص. breakfast is not actually ready. They zone out in front of the motion picture again.

7:30am. I serve a superamazinggood lazy french toast from Katie Workman’s The mommy 100 Cookbook (100 Recipes Every mommy needs in Her Back Pocket). only Holden complains that he absolutely will not have seconds unless I make him regular cinnamon french toast. He’s excused.

8:30am. a lot more running around. سعادة. قتال. I sneak around to pack their bags and step all gear to the door.

09:00. My guests return for second breakfast. Cereal this time.

9:30 صباحا. All kids are gone. أحتاج إلى قيلولة.

I think it was successful but I don’t really know. Milo tells me he had so much fun, and he can’t stop smiling. I feel like I need to have my coffee spiked to make it through the day.

Have your kids been on sleepovers? have you hosted? Do you think these crazy sleepless nights are a must-do? Please share your wisdom.

By yymrn

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